Sigh; its over too quickly.
I confess; I'm officially a "business missions" trip junkie and places like Indonesia only make it all the more difficult to break the habit. I am not complaining though, I'd rather have this addiction than another anyday.
My trip to Indonesia might be over, but the people are definitely still in my heart. Its hard to explain how a country that is reputed to be so corrupt has some of the coolest and nicest people I have ever met. I know, I know, it only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch, but man oh man, what hospitality!
It was awesome to experience God at work as always; that'll never get old for me. I sat there at the client presentation after two weeks of working with business owners we just met and listened to some of the vision and plans for their businesses with utter amazement.
Oh and by this time, they were not only no longer strangers but good friends some of whom I am sure I'll have for a lifetime!
My prayer now is that as each organization begins the hard work of implementing the changes they talked about, they will be encouraged and rewarded with small victories that count towards eternity.
Thanks for supporting me and please keep them all in your prayers.