Sunday, November 16, 2008

Today In Jakarta I learned that

- Every Sunday,certain streets and road lanes are shut down until noon so that people can work out in the streets because there is such limited space. In fact, one Sunday every month, certain parts of the city go "carless" until 2pm so people can engage in recreational activities and as part of a means to reduce pollution

- Indonesians clap on the downbeat! At church today I was wondering why my claps seemed faster than anyone else's though THEY all seemed to be clapping at the same time. I was very relieved when my Indonesian friend confirmed that everyone was definitley clapping to a different rhythm!

- The easiest way to indicate a plural in the Indonesian language is to repeat the word. So to give an example in English, products would be said product-product. Its really cute :)

- Indonesians love to feed their guests! we visited 5 different places for lunch just so we could sample foods from different parts of the Java Islands. There are so many different foods and methods of preparation that it could take a month just to sample them all!

- It is possible for an entire group of people to be addicted to one simple fruit... MANGOSTEEN! The team just can't get enough and there definitely be withdrawal symptoms I tell you.

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