Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What in the world!?

April 16th, what a sad day for Virginia Tech. It is sad that such occurences of violence are only getting more common and that we already have apathy towards such events.

The amazing thing is that I am in Gauteng, Johannesburg and I have already seen the story reported on the international news here. It is constantly refreshing to travel abroad and get news from an international perspective that is not always available in the US though in this case it is bad news.

My heart goes out to those families and all the students, but I cannot help but wonder about the many atrocities committed around the world that we never get to hear about.


1 comment:

ilovelemonade! said...

thanks for your updates. i am praying for you sister. please let me know if you have any specific prayer requests while you are going through this week.

God smiles over you!

christine beitsch


Thank you for all your spiritual and financial support. Please continue to pray for God's protection and Guidance. Also see http://www.repurposing.biz/contribute for ways to support financially on my Equip (now Rep) missions trips.