Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And so the warfare begins

As usual with any Big Guy trips coming up, there are always obstacles to be overcome that will either test a person's character or perseverance in the face of adversity. I don't quite know which this is, but I've been told that the visa process is now different from last year's and that this year, I either need to

- apply for the Indonesian embassy to issue a letter to the Nigerian embassy, to be faxed to me, to then send over with my passport to the Nigerian embassy to issue a response letter to be mailed back to the Indonesian embassy in Jakarta and then get a letter issued for me to take to the Indonesian embassy locally to get a visa issued.... huh?


- fax over every page of my current passport in the hopes that will suffice for a letter to be provided for the local Indonesian embassy to issue a visa.

I think you can figure out which route I chose!

Right now I just need favor to get this sorted out so I can get a ticket at a decent price and get another chance to do some damage to the bad one's behind ;)

1 comment:

The Nieboer Family said...

I will be praying for you! Keep up the good work my friend!


Thank you for all your spiritual and financial support. Please continue to pray for God's protection and Guidance. Also see http://www.repurposing.biz/contribute for ways to support financially on my Equip (now Rep) missions trips.